The Ten Commandments
From Presipent THomas To PRESIDENT PARK
Thou art the President of Bryn Mawr College, who wast brought out of the
halls of Radcliffe into the house of bondage.
There shall be no other authority before thee; for she who administers
Thou shalt not take the name of thy predecessor in vain, or remove the
graven images from Taylor; for a year hence thy predecessor will return
to roost in the Deanery, surrounded by four or five fellows.
Remember the week-ends; count them carefully. Six days shalt thou
labor (twelve hours counting as two) and do all that thou hast to do,
but the seventh day belongs to ““Our Gracious Inspiration.”’ In it thou
shalt browse in the Lib; thou and thy room-mates, thy wardens, thy
bell-maids, and the chef that is within thy gates.
Honour Mr. Foley and the business office. Before them only shalt thou
bow down.
Thy students shalt not neglect the daily tub.
Thy students shalt not come out.
Thy students and fellows shall all try for sofas.
Thou shalt not bear false exchange cards for thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not covet thy predecessor's house. Thou shalt not covet thy
predecessor's Cousin Alys, nor Ada, nor the chauffeur, nor the Franklin,
nor the matrons that are on her table.
Ursuta BatrcHELDER.