Class Officers
MarGaret Batley SPEER
Vice-President and Treasurer
SERENA Everetr Hanp
Auice Mary NIcoLi
Sonc Misrress—Loretta May Grim.
UnpeRGRADUATE AssoctaTION—V ice-President and Treasurer, Margaret Tyler;
Secretary, Serena Everett Hand;
Advisory Board, Emily Tremaine Anderson.
SELF-GOVERNMENT AssocIaTionN—Secretary, Margaret Alice Kennard;
Executive Board, Katherine Lucretia Gardner,
Octavia Duvall Howard.
CuristTIAn Association—Treasurer, Margaret Bailey Speer (resigned), Elizabeth
Belle Hobdy;
Members of Board, Marion Rawson (resigned), Margaret
Alice Kennard, Prue Durant Smith.
ATHLETIC AssociatTion—/unior Members, Alice Mary Nicoll, Emily Tremaine
Anderson, Frances McDowell Bliss.
Tue Cottece News—Editors, Frances McDowell Bliss, Barbara Clarke, Marie
Farnsworth Willcox;
Business Board, Cornelia Marcia Baird, Mary Douglass
Hay. |
Tue Lanrern—Editors, Vinton Liddell, Prue Durant Smith, Anne May Gabel;
Business Board, Ethel Blake Brown, Mildred Alice Voorhees.