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Bryn Mawr College Yearbook. Class of 1922
Bryn Mawr College (author)
136 pages
reformatted digital
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
9PY 1922
1922 Class book : Bryn Mawr College--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
GabeleAnnenViay weaves caer eee A arcs 723 College Ave., Lancaster, Pa.
Gabellilecanonsganere ease 6526 N. 13th St., Oak Lane, Philadelphia
Gardner, Katherine Lucretia............ .124 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass.
Garrison, Marian Elizabeth.......:..... ....19 Furnace St., Shickshinny, Pa.
Gibbssuiarnet:Constancese 4 itera 1209 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md.
Glasner, Malvina Dorothy.-............. ae ON 2538 8. 8th St., Philadelphia
(Graces ViroiniasWandolphiaees seen ase nee 302 W. 85th St., New York City
Gowing, Jean..................€02 Leverington Ave., Roxborough, Philadelphia
Grim, Loretta May...... Tere aa Se ee 803 Pine St., Texarkana, Tex.
Guthrie anne ty Sey lies see ea eer eae eens ee eee Riverside, Ill.
Eland Scremameiveretteyeer ss: rem enya .......48 W. oth St., New York City
all elizalbechWitcG owner eerie ee ce see ieee ees Kingston, N. Y.
Haworth, Katherine Frothingham (Mrs. John F. Leicester, Jr.)................
lnlehiz, INinioy IDiotiebicn. 3. c2scune amuse shemet 1220 8. Grand Ave., Springfield, III.
Elazeltonbyrda Grim Orde seer aie eee eee 142 E. 18th St., New York City
Fle alle a wars ditlitaty i wm aasrarcecit ees cla tek cysereane ton ame scr teneee ogee: New Philadelphia, Ohio
Hobdy, Elizabeth Belle.65 Santa Clara Ave., St. Francis Wood, San Francisco, Calif.
Howard, Octavia Duvalliye- 5.5.) 5470-0: 209 W. Monument St., Baltimore, Md.
iJjaiyae Atanas Vain CK aera rect ig meter re eagle he «katt 49 E. 64th St., New York City
Jiecnninoswilenrietta\Coopensetats 1.0 eee eee ieee eee Danville, Pa.
Kennard arcanet Alicea me. sate eenieee. Dudley Road, Newton Center, Mass.
Keinkbride; WiaibeliStonysetiy.cqs cus ech cee: 103 E. 75th St., New York City
Krech, Margaret Alwyn (Mrs. Shefheld Cowles). ............ Farmington, Conn.
albelsilirarces eae wtny i ape ae er ee ip aemeey ease 649 S. 52d St., Philadelphia
La Boiteaux, Constance (Mrs. Carl Sangree)................ Cummington, Mass.
Igamdesmanyileleleme reine lee tenet ene 1912 E. 89th St., Cleveland, Ohio
WecteAlice renee yaa ane Fe acetone: 408 Hammond St., Chestnut Hill, Mass.
Liddell, Vinton....... ee Mah Meese Meee cot eV ET 608 East Ave., Charlotte, N. C.
raise Hit oe Tee ae paren sti se Care Canton Christian College, Canton, China
Mearns, Louise Adela Clark...................226 W. 7oth St., New York City
Melton Gulielmar eres i eee ee 1602 Pendleton St., Columbia, S. C.
Mltervorel Vital elle Atma: peeetey eae eeentea eee sy ast 3767 N. Gratz St., Philadelphia
Murlless, Barbara Arden (Mrs. Frank Lambert).............. Mobridge, 8. Dak.
Neel, Raymonde Gertrude Eleanore.................. Glen Ave., Milburn, N. J.
INicolEPAl icegVicinygare eet ttre wae eno eres |e eee 285 State St., Albany, N. Y.
iNorerossiRhoebeWirenmea: eile dee crete eee 1500 Astor St., Chicago, IIl.
Orbison, Agnes Morris........ Care Mrs. Wistar Morris, Overbrook, Philadelphia
PalacheswElizanjieannette: .. a se eee 106 Appleton St., Cambridge, Mass.
PeekwKathermen Wayans serge etess a dee ase oe oe 822 Eleventh Ave., Moline, IIl.
Rells@rlrevAnna Hapeentyes eau ss os ee 112 E. 74th St., New York City
lDoginey livalloysdn Wallon: po ecabenoeueyesssedneoeoonsenosneense Haverford, Pa.
BrokoschiaGentrud eres: ee marie sc eet n siescr ea chemee tet aa Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Riawwsonsel Vir ones tee ean eee nian 3737 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio
Rhett, Catherine Tyler......... 39 Hilton Ave., Garden City, Long Island, N. Y.