ral Sang
Owing to a childish desire to see our names in print we publish the following
with the kind permission of 1923.
With orals this college D. T. riorates.
Won't some Jay send in a P. T. tion.
Not to have us write papers in Sanskrit and Russian
But Stories of sweet June Kirkbrides?
The Batchelder and his Yeatmen
Neel in the Gabel Hall.
The Kirkbride had Stiles, but she Woodruff her hair.
Her voice was Gulie Melton.
The Cooke who had done the Carter Brown
Cried, “Hay, Gardner! Let the Apple-bee.”’
“T don’t give A. Dom, for ’'m Gowing,” Ecroyd,
“So Palache the Pickle to me.”
Miss Crosby and her Rawson were there.
He was Grim and Dessau-late.
He Kennard-ly walk, Voorhees in de-Speer.
Oh, Pell! but he Surette a lot.
Down Happy Rhoads to Bliss they Marjed.
The groom threw the Clarke A. Nicoll.
He Tucker where Sonny Fountains Floyd,
And she soon learned that all Meng are Fink-le.
When the office has Rhett this they may be surprised,
But you cannot make Em Care-a Thomas.
So Serenely Hand your papers in,
And do not let Katherine Peek.