Ellen Pottberg too, is acting in a play,
In company with Mrs. Fiske, they say.
Carroll Justice has a school of such fine standing
That she’s landing
Girls in Bryn Mawr every year,
While Emma Forster, so I hear,
Is tutoring there the poor young lasses
In preliminary oral classes.
Hannah Dodd has found in life, naught of greater charm
Than the Simple Life, and living on a farm.
Willa, with her winning grace,
Still goes with smiling face,
Breaking hearts, causing smarts,
Yet careless.
With what slow steps, oh Beulah,
You walk the green;
Yet they tell me you are the fastest maiden to be seen.
Walking, talking,
Smiling, beguiling
All Chattanooga,
Francis Carey leads the social pace
In Baltimore, and leads them such a headlong race
That only Esther can go her better
In worldly wisdom. How we regret her
Change of heart in playing thus a sophist’s part.
Jeanette as a professional rider
Achieves a fame almost wider
Than Betty Taylor pleading law
With arguments that have no flaw.