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Bryn Mawr College Yearbook. Class of 1911
Bryn Mawr College (author)
274 pages
reformatted digital
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
9PY 1911
Book of the class of 1911 : Bryn Mawr College.--
Class Addresses—Continued
PECTS BIOS i ie slay oa a PAR OL. oan daresay oc 124 Ocean Street, Lynn, Massachusetts
ETHEL LovutsE RICHARDSON............. Mime bth. . inc. is cee 2232 North Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia
MUCH ROBERTG os. s oe nak aoe eae CORRS September 7th........ 919 West William Street, Decatur, Illinois
IsopeL MITCHELL ROGERS.............. | yf: Rae a 48 Highland Avenue, Yonkers, New York
PAMZABETE ROGB. 06s sive scka ae sea February 26th....... 2051 East Ninetieth Street, Cleveland, Ohio
Louise STERNBERG RUSSELL............ Ty OR 4: a 184 West Eighty-second Street, New York City
ANNE RUSSELL SAMPSON..............0. prerpinber QBtho ici. is cae es Pantops, Charlottesville, Virginia
Hira SERENA SCHRAM................. January 17th....... 420 Chestnut Street, Columbia, Pennsylvania
HERMINE RICE SCHAMBERG........ 1 i a September 6th... ... 1841 North Seventeenth Street, Philadelphia
MARION STURGES SCOTT................ SE Or ea Virginia Hotel, Chicago
AMMA STRARNB Oc)... oc detcle een December gth....... 37 Orange Street, Nashua, New Hampshire
ALICE ANITA STEARNS STEVENS.......... Tey RSE. 3h (Mrs. Weld Merrick Stevens) Greenwich, Conn-
Tota. 'MaEntx SKEDS... .. 06. 3bsis isi detee September 16th..... 607 Upsal Street, Germantown, Philadelphia
MARGERY ‘SMITH. 66005) 2 ce ae CONT FE White House, Balston Spa, New York
ELIZABETH WILLIS TAYLOR.............. December 2oth........ 33 West Ninetieth Street, New York City
Mary Minor WATSON TAYLOR.......... POW PER. os ck ass 2001 Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia
RutH FRANCES TANNER............0... November 24th...Care Herbert A. Gill, Esq., 612 Fourteenth
Street, Washington, D. C.
DOROTHY "THAVER, 05505, ca a on op aadlh | UNDA DOSE FEEDaE Fomine aan gi Er ouat ia New Canaan, Connecticut
Berar: TREDWAG. | icici euieseeocuaus 1 RN SR IVA AES I 43 Fenelon Place, Dubuque, Iowa
OLIVE OSTRANDER VAN Horw...........May 3oth........... 150 Dan Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
RutH Perkins Vickery Ho.mes........ December 2d..... (Mrs. Bradford Buttrick Holmes) 452 Sixteenth
Street, Bellingham, Washington
Amy Moreweap WALKER............... PO SED ie ea ued 1128 La Salle Avenue, Chicago
Rote WHUS occ eicc tea MTOR SOU, Seis ac Peas eg Hanover, New Hampshire
CONSTANCE CAROLINE WILBUR.......... February tst....... 711 Grand Avenue, Asbury Park, New Jersey
Mary ALMIRA WILLIAMS................ We OO cs ces 1005 Meridian Street, Indianapolis, Indiana
AGNES PENMAN WOOD.............0000: October toth.......... 234 Walnut Avenue, Wayne, Pennsylvania
FLORENCE Woop WINSHIP.............. August 31st...... (Mrs. Herring Winship) 37 Bank Street, Prince-
ton, New Jersey
FLORENCE JULIEN WYMAN TRIPP........ PN HR id airy Susie dle a (Mrs. R. C. Tripp) Rye, New York
TOMMEA, (NV ABMAN Es cei uGu uaa uaa September sth...... 217 Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, Pennsylvania