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Bryn Mawr College Yearbook. Class of 1911
Bryn Mawr College (author)
274 pages
reformatted digital
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
9PY 1911
Book of the class of 1911 : Bryn Mawr College.--
Twenty Wears Water
‘TN a Highly Elastic frame of mind, I stroll through Pembroke Arch, and the sight of the
old buildings makes me feel Most Jolly Hinglish. On Taylor steps sits one of Music’s
Adoring Followers, who, with a Madly Screaming Syren surely Makes Harmony Hopeless.
My Merry Sallies on the subject are replied to by A Managing Woman, who says: “It
can be improved by this High Hellenic Priestess who Averts Fracas by Looking Heaven-
ward!” I answer: ‘‘No, thank you! Bring me this Easily Scared Creature who, in her
Prettily Romantic way, Makes Acting Perfect.’ At this, up strides a Kindly Executive
Captain who, with Ready Wit says: ‘Call in this Auburn Locked Maiden, who Leads the
Singing Roughhouse. Although she is Very Crushingly Cross, and Dotes on Cats, still she
Is Beautiful and a Joyful Chorister.”’ Before I can answer, there Flies Past a Cross Country
Walker who is not Especially Young, but Just Wonderfully Clever. Say I: “She looks so
Marvelously Demure that you would not guess that she Ever Earns Credits!” ‘Not only
that,” replies my friend, “but she is History’s Supreme Shark. Moreover, she Captures
Insects Cleverly, and Mournfully Advocates Whiting!’ “Well,” I exclaim, “Give me a girl
who puts Athletics Before Ph.D.’s, and who, when she jumps, Hits the Top.” As we talk, a
Languidly Indolent Mortal wanders by, and asks: “Why do these girls sing so badly?”
My first informant replies: “It is because one of them is a Repeatedly Fumigated Martyr,
who is Always Exuberant; another is Everlastingly Reading a Clergy’s Limitless Directory,
or else Reads Heavy Greek; a third is an Ever Friendly, Mardi Gras Jobber, who Hauls Much
for Dramatics. Being Fearfully Keen on Classics, she offends a Hopelessly Happy-go-Lucky
Humorist, who Charitably Laughs at Jokes. She, in turn, cannot get on with this Muddle
of Mixed Enthusiasms, whom East Loves Fearfully, because of her Room-mate’s Roses.”
Just then, from the Library, we hear a noise which sounds like a Mathematical Mind
Working Terribly, but which turns out to be an Eternal Everlasting Physicist, in conflict
with an Enthusiastic Language Reader. The latter, although she Murmurs D.’s Carefully,
is A Caustic Debater, and Has Fine Mentality. Meeting a friend who Adores Polecon Work,
and Works on the Bible Actively, she approaches the steps. ‘‘ Courage,” she cries; *“*Every-
one of you Has Marrying Relations! If you will only Eat Minutely and keep your Ankles
Superb, likewise Indefatigably Manage Riches, I am sure that there will be more than one
among you who will be Most Eligible for Hops and Marry a Handsome Lover!”?
Leta HouGute.ine,