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Bryn Mawr College Yearbook. Class of 1911
Bryn Mawr College (author)
274 pages
reformatted digital
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
9PY 1911
Book of the class of 1911 : Bryn Mawr College.--
Class Addresses
Writa Butiitt ALEXANDER............. October r2th..... 617 St. James Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
JEANNETTE VALERIE ALLEN............. Mort 96th. os ceca eek “The Connecticut,” Washington, D. C.
ST EIN Se case weak wes Sen ee eee Caetnner 38th: oe eee as es Reno, Nevada
NORVELLE WHALEY BROWNE........... eanvary 13th. se 65 Central Park West, New York City
TSABEL . BUCHAMAM, «i. 5/000 is cecie eneene August 25th.........473 West State Street, Trenton, New Jersey
VIRGINIA CUSTER CANAN............005 November 12th.......; 1803 Third Avenue, Altoona, Pennsylvania
FRANCES KING CAREY..............005- Pane Oth. 5. Sa wt aap en es upg 838 Park Avenue, Baltimore
Mary FRANK CASE PEVEAR..........+-- February 28th..... 1514 Beacon Street, Brookline Massachusetts
Eurny Howa CAsSery.. si 5 ccc ecacs eee PRAY S71. S ees ce ooh ees cows Glenside, Pennsylvania
Kate ETHEL CHAMBERS...............- et Orth. ys sous 5 bs owadde wees ...916 Pine Street, Philadelphia
ALICE CHAMMING..3 5. ORR ee Paey F9th. cei 74 Sparks Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Join Carckeeing. 2. 3 esp eee mpecember Othe. 365555. sane das 3213 Clifford Street, Philadelphia
CHARLOTTE ISABEL CLAFLIN............. meeecn a0. os eo ag Broad Exchange Building, Boston
Jessre WILLIAMS CLIFTON............... A 5038 Schuyler Street, Germantown, Philadelphia
Donorey Corret. 2. 5.50e) oa ee pees erovember Ot. oo is caeas es ne be eee eee Winnetka, Illinois
Brances E. Cons... ee arecember 8th. oes ee Chester, Illinois
Exmanern CONRAD, «5-004 ss 6N yeu ee November 15sth..... 3236 East Ninth Street, Kansas City, Missouri
ESTHER STUART CORNELL..............- Dae S2t os oa 1511 Ridge Avenue, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania
Haveret Loep Covuce sci clea vans Re SA ss oe 141 Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Manion Detra Craw ie ea BORIC AIS ie i eee, Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore
AMGELA DAREOW! 6) 650200 0S ec aee e moretiber isthe... 503535 ce ek 3911 Poplar Street, Philadelphia
CATHERINE LYMAN DELANO............. mevetaber 20th es Ge aan oot 510 Wellington Avenue, Chicago
CHRISTINE ELLEN DEPEW............... BUY SUR 5 so cagaucugae swede peeeiaes cs Delano, Pennsylvania
HANNAH MARIA DODD...............05. November a6th. 0.3. 00.00. Rehoboth, Sussex County, Delaware
MARGARET DOOLITEGE. 0) cane ces ees PONMALY 30... 6s 1o2 Valentine Street, Mt. Vernon, New York
MARGARET JOSEPHINE DULLES.......... PO ASURs. os Ven ke aut ders 67 South Street, Auburn, New York
May MAnGareT EGAN. 600056555 60060355 pag” Saree 600 East Thirty-sixth Street, Kansas City,
Atice Escreeaeee i ae ea DRAIN Cats Coecia 619 Oak Street, Cincinnati, Ohio
HELEN EMERSON, 6606555 il inde deeded May 1sth...:...: 162 Blackstone Block, Providence, Rhode Island
Agisrin’ Fieto i A ek WARE OU ins Giles Vi casive vied coey ba eave ces Gates, New York
EMMA FORSTER iis 6565 (Ace pastas Apel ath.) oi... 2631 Fillmore Street, Bridesburg, Philadelphia
MARGARET ALICE FRIEND............... December 17th... 56s... 657 Astor Street, Milwaukee, Wiscons.n