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Bryn Mawr College Yearbook. Class of 1911
Bryn Mawr College (author)
274 pages
reformatted digital
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
9PY 1911
Book of the class of 1911 : Bryn Mawr College.--
Class Addresses—Continued
E.sre LusH FUNKHAUSER............... April roth...Care E. P. Peck, Esq., 401 South Fortieth Street,
Omaha, Nebraska
Ruta HAMILTON GAYLOR............... October 14th.......105 Fisher Avenue, White Plains, New York
GERTRUDE GIMBEL DANNENBAUM........ November 26th...(Mrs. Edwin Dannenbaum) 1507 Girard Ave-
nue, Philadelphia
HELEN HamitTton LEIPER HENDERSON...March roth..............ccceeceeeeeees Cumberland, Maryland
Mary Hamort HIGGINSON............... May sth... 05. Care Charles H. Strong, Esq., tog West Sixth
Street, Erie, Pennsylvania
MARGARET JEFFERYS HOBART........... December Wet. os so eas 43 Fifth Avenue, New York City
MARGERY ] LIZABETH HOFFMAN.......... August 3oth...... 161 North Twenty-third Street, Portland, Oregon
LALA TIOUGHTELING 0.065565 Cs April 2qts oe oss ccesceanes eee Winnetka, Illinois
CAROLINE LETCHWORTH JUSTICE........ April aGthe 2c ies ce voe ae Narberth, Pennsylvania
MitLDeED: JANE, . oo 65 isa Gee his December et es ss cae eae 4729 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago
VinGnTia: JONES) i cite oink. November 8th..... 259 Western Avenue, Allegheny, Pennsylvania
Mane ExiWhis i seeee a s y September 25th. . 335 West Seventy-eighth Street, New York City
CHARLOTTE STUART KIMBEL............. May Stic io. cess sé + cee ep eee ee Roland Park, Baltimore
MARGUERITE HAMMOND Layton Morris. . May 27th..... (Mrs. Robert Lennox Morris) Monroe, Louisiana
Lois PARTRIDGE LEHMAN............--- April qth. 2s .c.3 oes 54 ee Redlands, California
HENRIETTA FLoyp MAGOFFIN........... TY 840 os cease Mercer, Mercer County, Pennsylvania
RosALIND Fay MASON............---+-- Puget CON cose a cei ay eee ees 673 Lincoln Parkway, Chicago
Laura ISABELLE MILLER..............-. November 16th........ 316 Juneau Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
BEULAH MARGARET MITCHELL.......... Masth 16th. ooo isin eke ee Chattanooga, Tennessee
Eecaie MOORE, oi i ei ches’ March ath, oi). cbs Sees seis e «eae Danville, Pennsylvania
EurANA DINKEY Mock DE BOoBULA..... February oth...... (Mrs. Titus de Bobula) Loretta, Pennsylvania
AGNES LAWRENCE MURRAY........-.--- Vuly 2tetiisic codes ss vas 206 Main Street, Binghamton, New York
HELEN MAXWELL OTT.........-0000005- July 26th... 25... 521 East Leverington Avenue, Roxborough,
ALPINE BopINE PARKER..........2++:: September 6th........+2-+e+0e0: 1923 St. Paul Street, Ba'timore
HELEN Huss PARKHURST.........-++++: January 3d..... eee e cece cece e eee eeees Englewood, New Jersey
FRANCES PORTER. (666.66. acti oer ee ss October rath i..k cde eee eee cceue ne Hubbard Woods, Illinois
ELLEN ESTHER POTTBERG.........+++++: June sith... sees ces ccs. 2338 North Broad Street, Philadelphla
MARGARET ALICE PRUSSING......++-+++: March a2gth........e+eesesseses 1519 Dearborn Avenue, Chicago
HELEN MARGUERITE RAMSEY.........--- January 27th......-sceeseeeeeereeeeees Rosemont, Pennsylvania