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College news, October 11, 1922
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 09, No. 02
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Died — sa —— : > en
Mild¥ed Minturn Scott, ’97, on May 17, , :
Ps in Switzerland.
Dr, and Mrs. Boyer, parents of Anne
Boyer, "99,
Mrs." Howard, mother. of Jeannie
McGeorge, ’01, in» August.
Mrs. Irvin, mother of Helen Irvin, 715,
Howard, 99. : : « ®
- Willidm McGeorge, father of Beatrice Or i rt , i 7 } CS
We have made a specialty of furhishing
‘in July. —
Guy Dowling, husband of Louise Wilsor : * : f y
Dowling, ”2{1, in June. HI] C5] - (GRADE
Pa ee ) 5 1
ere a i h COLLEGE —
+ ; : f
4 F es
$50.00 : PRINTING
. ~ aga ag : F
IN PRIZES . io tothe. various educational institutions
Put your ideas of Christmas ; of the countty in the form of Class . i
Greetings into rhyme. For the |: od Records, Catalogs,- Programs, Circu- i
&, * three best verses sent in to our lars, Etc.
Christmas Verse Competition we ! |
are offesing three prizes—$25, $15, i
$10. All other verses accepted i eee ae Paes i
‘will-be-paidfor-at-regular—rates, Our facilities for printing and binding }
Give name of your College. are unsurpassed, and we solicit your |
Verses should not be over eight = patronage. ° °
lines, four preferred. May be
humorous. or sentimental. Also
new designe wanted.-
Contest closes October 15, 1922.
Enclose. stamped return envelope
and address ~
| 1006-1016 ARCH STREET ii:nmu: PHILADELPHIA
Contest. Editor
Greeting Gifts and Greeting Cards
1000 Washington St., Boston.
" : For Campus Wear
, A sHort coat or Hupson Seau tastefully
trimmed. with soft grey Squirrel is espe-
cially appropriate for the campus in ‘Fall. ,
You will weldome this charming mode. for
‘ae its happy combination of utility and style. ‘ ¢
ier 9 Sia ni
crests in’ Quality Street
Fifth Avenue at 36"Street
Furriers for. More Than a Century
Guests in “Quality Street” greet Whitman’s quality group of
distinguished candy packages as welcome friends.
In any social gathering they give an added sense of sociability.
There’s magic in eating together. There’s conversation stimulated
whenever the hostess produces the Sampler, Salmagundi, Pleas- :
ure Island, or any others of the favorites in “The Quality Group.”
STEPHEN F. WHITMAN & SON, Inc., Philadelphia, U. $. A. a
_. Whitman’s famous candies are sold by
Maxwell Kaplin — ' H. B. Wallace
Frank.W. Prickett, Rosemont