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College news, March 7, 1917
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 03, No. 18
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914) --
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Evens Each deere Once
‘Sh da 4 ck Sh ta jntealiintt |
- Seniors’ beat Juniors and Sophomores
Freshmen in the first of the second team
water-polo games last Tuesday.
_ 1917 played an aggressive game, mak-
ing several good passes the length of the
pool. M. MacKenzie’s steady defense at
goal was not supported by a strong for-
ward line on '18’s team. A. Gest made
their only goal on a free throw.
1920 did not put up such a strong fight
as 1918. A. Coolidge ’20 played as well
at goal as she did at the first team game,
but could not hold out single-handed
against ’19’s s:rong forward line. F.
Clarke and L. Peters each made four
goals for 1919.
The line-up for 1917 vs. 1918 was:
1917 1918
OMe” REE rrr: Pevcisviny, BE. Houghton
Dh, MMOs 6 oes e ees Cees: sas L. T. Smith
By PR hb Caves es Ms ceva ds ceca A. Gest
E. Holcombe........ EE H. Hobbs
ae re OM Fess chee oO. in
A. D. Shipley....... Moe iak icccces M. Bailey
By eo a eek esha es M Mackensie
Chase, 1
Score—Ist half, ot Malone, 2; :
1918 2nd half, 1917,
Holcombe, 1, Smith, 1
Malone, 1; Holcombe, i
Referees—V. Litchfield, E. Lanier. ie
i I os ec sie ns os Beis tea siua A. Hutchins
Ne IS goo nossa cs ss Vane ecae H. Zinsser
Wy GR. 6 vee a leees We creek A. Pberbach
= Cesc ecakn ee Meets kiesviee M. Brown
Sikes chuee By eed vce eta D. Rogers
b. MUM ivccccda 7 bes bees oe be K. Clifford
pM oe vb bk cake eas c ee eucs A aT:
ge ot half, 1919, Clarke, 2; Ewe
Peters, 1. 1920, Eberbach, 1. 2nd ‘half, 1919.
Peters, 3; Clarke, 2; a 2.
Referees—V, Litchfield, E. Lanier.
T. Howell Star as Usual
The Juniors retrieved their old water-
polo reputation last Thursday when they |
sent the Seniors to defeat with a score
of 4-3. T. Howell, who is captain of the |
Juniors’ team and made Varsity as a
Freshman, played with her usual form.
The moment the ball touched the water.
V. Litchfield '17 made |
the fight began.
a spectacular throw to '18’s goal when |
H. Wilson '18, with another long throw, |
shot the ball back to T. Howell. The first |
half ended with the score 3-1 in '18’s
In the second half 1917 took the offen-
sive and tied the score. In a moment of
danger, when H. Wilson was outside the
Sua College 1 las ‘eed sive
Mawr in tennis. The Varsity tennis
team, captained by M. Thompson ’17,
is anxious to accept the challenge and
will attempt to get permission from
the college authorities. The last time
B. M. played an outside team was in
the spring of 1915, when the Bryn
Mawr Varsity basket-ball team de-
feated Goucher College by a score of
20 to 8.
Millicent Carey '20 promises to be
a second “Teddy” Howell in the mat-
ter of shooting spectacular goals from
the center of the pool. Both play the
same position, halfback.
Track captains this season are: N.
McFaden '17, M. Strauss ’18, H. Hunt-
ting '19, and D. Rogers ’20.
| manager.
for both odds and evens. Light blue -
and dark blue administered a watery
defeat to green and red respectively,
making a third match necessary Mon-
day night and giving each class a last
chance in the fight to enter the water-
polo finals.
C. Stevens '17 is Senior basket-ball
Varsity water-polo practise will be-
gin as soon as the class matches are
decided, probably toward the end of
next week. M. Willard "17 is again
Varsity captain and the members of
last year’s team are all playing again
this year.
Preliminary track practice has
started in the 4.20 gym classes.
"Last ‘Wineetay: seas é tine? aight
sent the ball flying to the other end of the
pool. A few minutes before time was
called L. T. Smith shot the winning goal
for 1918.
The line-up was:
1917 1918
M.. Scattergood...... A ere li. Hobbs
Be so we asa Orne L. T. Smith
a er Bok peek M. Stair
¥. Litchfield, Capt...H....... a — oa
Me i ic ccs ee A: in
©. Holcombe........ i Bhi viva cess M. dtrease
Be I oho be bc Ves caw ens H. Wilson
Score— 1st half, 1917, Dulles; 1. 1918,
Hobbs, 1: Smith, 1; Howell, 1. . 2nd half,
_ Seattergood, 1; Willard, + 1918, Smith,
Substitutes—1917, M. Malone, for CC,
Stevens: EF. Holeombe, for C. Hall. 1918, TH.
Wobbs, for M. O'Connor; L. T. Smith, for 1.
Referee—Miss Applebee.
First Challenge Accepted Since 1912
For the first time since 1915 the under-
| graduates have challenged the Alumnze
‘toa fencing tournament. Miss Applebee,
E. Emerson '17, and L. Pearson '18, have
| been appointed as a committee to present |
‘the challenge to the Alumne.
On the Alumnew team which met Varsity |
| in 1912, the last tournament before 1915, |
| Miss Kirkbride ’96, who is now on the|
Board of Directors of the College, played, |
j}and Miss Ehlers '09, who is at present |
| warden of Radnor.
1919 Overwhelms Freshmen 11-0
The even classes were put out of the
second team preliminaries last Friday |
1919 and 1917 each defeated |
the Freshmen and Juniors for the second
walk-away for the winners, 1919 crushing
1920 11-0. The low score of the Junior. |
Senior game, 3-1 in 1917’s favor, was due |
to the good defense of the goals, A. Davis |
"17 and M. Mackenzie ‘18. Red and green |
will meet in the second team finals on
The underclassmen match. was a.
M. M. Carey Star of Hard Fought Game
The Freshmen came back hard in the
_second game of the preliminaries Thurs-
day night and wiped out the 5-6 defeat of
the previous Monday by a decisive victory
over the Sophomores. The score of 4-1 |
was due, as in the case of the Junior-
Senior game, to a team of uneven calibre
fighting for a chance to win against an
all-round team playing for an easy vic-
tory. 1919 lost as much because it could
afford to lose as because it could not stop
the Freshman star, M. M. Carey ’20.
1920 scored first on a long shot from
the center by M. M. Carey. A fight before:
the Freshman goal followed, A. Coolidge
°20 stopping four shots and passing to
the center of the pool. M.S. Cary, after
hard fighting on both sides, shoved the
ball between the uprights and the half
/ended: 1919, 1; 1920, 2.
Wild fighting, fast play, and many fouls
| marked the second half. On both teams
| the fullbacks were weak and the goals
strong. 1919's forwards shot too high,
but handled the ball well. A spectacular
throw from the middle of the pool by M.
M. Carey '20 and a neat shot from the
| side by L. Cauldwell '20 completed the
scoring. The game ended: 1919, 1;
1920, 4.
1919 1920
TONES oooh ook eck 4 oe 158 e A. Coolidge
| RPO bc sc eas ix. _ .K. Townsend, Capt.
aM RU ai es ck te Bs sh caeeees M. ‘Ballou
BK. Lanier, Capt... ..H: BR... .M. M. Carey
GOS. oe a Re Riise .P. Helmar
(for BW eaver)
O TOW so Ou Bec viss vas cee ee ere
1h. SURE. oe ks lie Bei ieee . Cauldwell
Goals——-Ist half, 1919, F. Howell, 1. 1920,
M. M. Carey, M.-8. Cary. 2nd half, 1920, M:
M. Carey, K. Cauldwell.
Time—-7-minute halves.
Referee——Miss Applebee.
1917 1018
Fe he sk ee ii i eee
ee ee Re eee I, T. Smith
De TP he ic eens ee veka tebe A. Gest
BE. Holeombe....... SS Se ee
me. Pee, og a es F.B.....G. Reymershoffer |
| 7B et
Ry Ps ov is Ca ve Wcei ease M. Mackenale
Goals——1917, BE. ftole ombe, 1: S. Jelliffe, 2
11k, 8, Relviile,
Referee—E. Lanier.
Time —6-minute halves.
10 wee
Ore ke ek Pit icieass » BE. Davis
Ba POE. oc CF lm Enteniee
We, PE isis eek Bi es Bb. Stevens
Bes PPE. eee es Mie ey ea es tl. Wolf.
POO oi ec ie; a Biren ss Il. Kingsbury
DD. Peters, wh. sees @Untace
By BI ae cs Mes ersvds Coolidae
Substitvie 1920, M. G ees,
Varsity was defeated. \
goal, M. Strauss "18 took her place and | This year’s team has not yet been chosen. |
Choice Flowers
Daily Free Delivery along the Main Line
Actual Makers 301
The Sports Clothes Shop
has MOVED to
1630 Walnut Street
Ready-to-wear Golf, Tennis, and ——
Habits, Top Coats, Shirts, Sport H
St., Boston, Mase —
~ Fee the Athletic Girl —
—Something SPALDING
Gymnasium and Outdoor
Sports Apparel and
Implements —
For Tennis, Golf, Basket Ball, Swimming,
Rowing and every other Athletic Pastime
Write for our Catalogue
1210 Chestat Street Philadelphia |
Habit and Remodeling
Breeches Dry Cleaning |
Maker Theatrical
Pressing Costumes
Suits, Ridine 32 Bryn Mawr Ave., Next to P. R. R., Bryn Mawr
any time.
ring, suitable for riding in
The Little Riding School
Mr. William Kennedy desires to announce that he has
opened a Riding School for general instruction in Horse
Back Riding and will be pleased to have you call at
Especial attention given to children. A large indoor
In connection with the school there will be a training
stable for show horses (harness or saddle).
inclement weather.
Goals—K. Tyler, 5: L. Peters, 2: F. Clarke,
Time——G-minute halves,
Referee—V, Litchfield.
LITrTLe,— "The Doctor's Dilemma’. By Ber
nard Shaw. One week beginning March 5th.
Lyric.—“Katinka”’, a musical comedy.
ADELPIEL—""Very Good Eddie",
GARRICK.——"Falr and Warmer”.
Forkest.-Mitzi Hajos in “Pom Pom".
Broap.—""Treasure Island".
ACADEMY oF Music.—Gabrilowitseh, Chopin
Recital, Wednesday afternoon, March 7th.
2 Sat 46S. Rew forv
ings and design of such
originality that they are irre-
Rue de Cbehapuiar Farvs
Page 3