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College news, May 3, 1922
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 08, No. 22
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914) --
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
& ee ey Cait eet ae
‘ ‘ * ® ; ; ¥
: > « € . 4 : : wea . » : >
onviuay it” | CRAFTSMAN || Fernbrook Gowns a
‘(Continyed from page 1) hg, | CAST WORD IN AUTOMATIC PENCILS : ' : TaANnltse
“I believe that in-the-near future we are bia ie & wasp ibis lua Cu 1712-A WALNUT sr. .? .
going to go over the babies of the nation] our same ty gold. ~FOR THIS WEEK ONLY Mrs. John Wanamaker, 3rd
and select in the nurserjes of the world the SEs ord ae -SPRING FASHIONS —
aie babies vai them ag sree Lisl | roltion on Our First Anniversary Offering Suits, Capgs, Frocks; SKIRTS
ey are not to be tyrannized over by quantities. The smooth of art : 2 si ®
: their stupid baby brotherseatid sisters, They NeeeDrea i nt one ~ saber we ‘Worthwhile Reductions in Gowns, Srorts APPAREL Areas
‘ are going to have special'nurses and special =e No, such value ever offered. Money Coats, Capes, and Suits Miss Frances Trenchard Leaf
teachers and there will be no préfessor, too | Pencil a ee Individuality and quality main- * Yr ; gee:
great to teach the nation’s babies of genius. a ne os hearst pe yee i gegen, tained despité exceeding moderat-’ NEGLIGEES, LINGERIE
When these babies grow fip and go to col-! THE UNITED PENCIL CO., ic. . ton of price 133 South 18th Street “| —
i ; soos they will not be kept back: by- the B’s | ee a . » ia
nd C’ss . They will be a lovely company |.™ : . “. .
“ a D
of Acpluses and wil do doube as much as | TM INQ
ordinary students in their tour college =
_. years. They will be sent abroad by the FORDHAM LAW SCHOOL = IF.1T 1S SILKS, y I ‘
nation and will be given every opportunity. WOOLWORTH BUILDING == iia WILL hresher’ Bros. NO TROUBLE"
They will’ have leisure. They will live CO-EDUCATIONAL = / ; = TO SHOW
in palaces of the kings of the’ past. «They CASE SYSTEM = Macnee The Specialty Silk Store : Goons
s ne . . * === H s’ 4 z
will be given every chance to invent things, ~ THREE-YEAR COURSE = 1322 Chestnut St. ‘
to. advance the world, to write poetry and: =.
prose, to make ‘wonderful-.speeches and to||]- Morning Class . Afternoon Class = SILKS | VELVETEENS is:
inspire the rank and file to take the next Evening Class oe Sie NETS . LD 1 ay CORDUROYS :
“When this is done we shall see that the . ae me = wrest DRESS GOODS SILK BLOOMERS d
“ CHARLES P. DAVIS, Regist = a
hyman “race will advance by leaps and WOOLWORTH BULDING. |}/== . SILK and LINGERIE BLOUSES SILK PETTICOATS
h bounds ‘and will be «able to keep pace with “NEW. YORK. CITY = INCLUDE 5
the wonderful scientific inventions that.are = jrene Knit; Suede pat eer ie oc oa de oer oe Crepes
‘oe iat ee = Foulards; iffon Taffetas; Fiber Sport Silks; Millinery and Costume
being. made eee side. Of course sc ete == Velvets; Linene and Lingerie Waists; “Silk Waists; Silk Petticoats and
entific invention is very wonderful, but it = Silk Bloomers
operates in a -very narrow field. It does = - ————
not help the, whole race forward as¢t could = Oy Mail Orders Filled Promptly nae
be helped forward by supermen and = personal attention to the requirements of « a ans waned patrons
women. ~ Never losés an--opportunity. to = : ; s
praise anyone who has done something big. == Thresher sher Building
Do not let. yourself ebe tempted to. say SPECIALISTS 1322 Chestnut St TELEPHONES
anything against them. ™~ ~ IN SILK ve Philadelphia, P . WALNUT
“The other day a very remarkable woman FABRICS * - aeepa, ~ 2035 »2036
was being interviewed for a certain posi- BOSTON BALTIMORE oe
tion, but somte of the committee said that Z
they could not vote for her as she did not nna HHH
Sees ek tial octal ahha Gia stubs ta icici I IN
Perhaps they were not the right ‘kind of
shoes, but everyone can buy the right kind
ot shoes.. Scarcely anyone is wonderful.
“If you cannot attain excellence yourself, «
applaud people who can. This in itself will E a
be an enormous step forward. Above. all, os ,
applaud excellence in.your fellow women, SPECTOR'S
i because to attain it womén have to sacrifice 1310 CHESTNUT STREET
much more than. men. ‘The supreme thing
we have to do-is-to—push-things forward, *
to reward excellency and above all to-do} e
nothing to stop progress. This to me is
the significance of prizes and scholarships Fashions Created
and fellowships’ and aid of all kinds. } fe
“T want. to say in closing that I am de- ’ Exoressly 07
lighted that my last May Day as Presi- Wy
dent of Bryn Mawr College has been such Younger omen
a beautiful day. Dark blue will always be¢
ul my class color, because the Seniors and I H : : ‘eas ‘ lie
are going out of the College together. I ow can one describe it! That some-
hope that in the orien thy a ae : si thing—that.flaire—which .separates. the
students will continue the celebration o ; ROSHANARA A H :
May Day—every May Day _a little celebra- ‘an oe ie ye . desirable from the commonplace.
. tl er a as : ie mes 7 MATCH THE ‘DOUBLE — . °
vee ee oor. Cee CC Oops. THIS Yet it is very evident at the Bluin Store
and people who think that women’s educa- ; FRINGE TRIMMED : ; :
tion cannot be combined with happiness and q MODEL. and especially in those styles designed
gaiety, what a Bryn Mawr May Day can be. expressely to meet the exacting require-
L O W Tr H O R P E ments of college activities.
— ; :
7" A School « Lee ppeehte ; ee
e : *
iles fi B : — . o
Intensive training ‘ora delightful and proft- an 133 Sovtu 13TH St Ron . In perfect taste most certainly. Mod s
peer a orn - Re Horti- a é erate In price—invariably.
: culture and Planting T esign. : ;
\ AMY L. COGSWELL, Principal, Groton, Mass. : :
2 A Horseback and Coniies Trip in ‘hn Rocky Mountains of Wyoming and Yellowstone National
Park. On. the go-all the time through the most: beautiful, interesting and picturesque wild country of
America. Seven weeks of Solid Fun—no irksome duties. . The ideal Summer for Girls and Young Women.
You see Ranch Life, Horses? Cattle, Cowboys, and Irrigagion in the Buffalo Bill Country.
The Canyons, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Waterfalls, Geysers, Boiling-Springs, Lava Beds, Petrified
Forests, and Glaciers of Yellowstone Park.
. , The Big-Game of the Rockies—Bear, Elk, Deer, Antelope, Buffaloes, Wolves, Coyotes, Moose, Beaver,
‘ and. Big Horn Sheep. poo
And the Big Wild West Stampede at Cody, Wyoming.
Chaperoned by a group of select women from the faculties of Eastern Colleges and Girls’ Schools.
For Booklet Address # s “h
459 Siwahoy Place, Pelham Manor, New York Pembroke West, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
; Bryn Mawr women me make reservations through Miss Smith
Page 5