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College news, April 26, 1922
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 08, No. 21
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914) --
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
> : ‘ a e @
a B # * |
; : oo THE .COLLEGE’ NEWS e. il 3 3
: ‘ ere HARVARD GLEE CLUB A SUCCESS tation. The excellent singing of the obli-
. Rachet Brewer, 05 (Mrs. Ellsworth ot (Continued from page LD. gato. solo. parts inthe Gretchaninow
Huntington), = has a daughter, Anna} discard the appalling standard of music at|“Crede” and Florent Schmitt’s “Chant de Francise.
Slocum, *born March. 5. ;. Present maintained by most of their kin-| Guerre” by Messrs.'L. R.“ Ring and J. F .
ton Edith Brown, ’09. (Mrs. A: Abbot),|4red organizations, for Br. Davison has|Lautner.and the: very “artistic accompani-|°
, 0 , a ae ‘ pani-
has a daughter, Anne Appteton, born proved that to the average college man ments of R. S. Childe were worthy. addi- Mrs. John’ Wanamaker, ore \
February 26. . a technical knowledge or professional in-.} tions to the program. s SPRING FASHIONS
Kate’ Chambers, 1) (Mrs. T. W: terest is not a hecessary adjunct to the ap- | ~s : Suits, Capes, Frocks, SKIRTS ¢?
: Seelye), has a son, Talcot Williams, preciation of the finest in music and it is Fernbrook Gowns Sr@erts APPAREL MILLINERY
certain that a Glee’ Club which: has once
born i ies a.
Ee ei Aiea alesis (kee! “Frank | tasted the delight of such worthy: aécom- ‘ie ™ a ennawet Peres? ns Miss Frances Trenchard Leaf
Rash, daa a becord won, Prank Ir plishment in the art could never revert to] _ Z — the woe of new, hot NEGLIGEES, LINGERIE
or Sane teaunes oe the old standard 6f musical taste. ee wet er dresses and: wraps modestly priced
’ -‘Phé Palestrina and. Bach . pieces were and appropriate for the younger sef. ‘ % 133 South 18th Street
Mildred Janney,,’11 (Mrs..W. S. Ash- sung “with beautiful sustained tone and a 1712 A. Walnut Street
brook), has a son, William Sinclair, Jr.,| fine fee ing of reverence, while the splendid | y 3 ae
age ee ae oT ce tee gene currencies errr
Emma Robertson, ’13 (Mrs. Edward “Choeur des Chameliers” were maintained
L. McCarroll) has a son, Edward L., Jr.| with unswerving. precision and vigor of IF IT IS SILKS, , f ‘ :
attack and release. Sometimes in “the YOU WILL e hresher Bros. "en
: climaxes of the Pergolesi“Glory a i ; TO SHOW
eee oP a the Highest” and the “Chant de Guerre” cases The Specialty Silk Store GOODS _.
of Florent Schmitt one might have wished 1322 Chestnut St.
The following letter has been sent to the} for a more compelling forte, but probably °
members of the National Student, Forum} Dr. Davison was unwilling to také¢ the SILKS N, VELVETEENS
by John Rothschild, Executive Secretary, | risk of sacrificing tonal quality to dynamic cae a EW Silks CORDUROYS
soliciting membership. ‘° force. Milhaud’s “Psaume CXXI” was _ VELVE SPOOL SILKS
To the Members of ane National Student probably the most - difficult number, tech- - > WOOLEN DRESS: ‘GOODS : SILK BLOOMERS and ™
Forwn: - | nically, on the program, with modern har- SILK and LINGERIE BLOUSES SILK PETTICOATS
By an overwheltning majority, the mem- | monic effects and constantly shifting tonal-
bers @f the National Student Committee ity, which leaves :the singer¥ absolutely
and of the. Intercollegiate Liberal League | nothing to cling to to help them in finding’4
have ratified the amalgamation of €he two| their pitch, but these difficulties were over-
organizations, into The National Student | come with apparent ease and without hesi-
Forum.. The National Student Forum is
launching into its program: at once.
Krepe Knit; Suede Knit Tubular Jersey; Crepe de Chine; Canton Crepe;
Foulards; Chiffon Taffetas; Fiber Sport Silks; Millinery and Costume
Velvets; Linene and Lingerie Waists; Silk Waists; Silk Petticoats and
Silk Bloomers
Mail Orders Filled Promptly
Our mail order department is ready to me prompt and efficient
personal attention to the she-requirements of our out-of-town patrons -
gs eT
The Journal—“The New _ Student’”—has
started publication this week; by the time Pee Thresher Building eienineie
this reaches you I shall be in the midst of : 1322 Chestnut St.
) a speaking tour which will take me to col- IN SILK Philadelphia, Pa. . WALNUT
leges as far west as Wisconsin. With your FABRICS See eee 2035 «2036
help ®he National Student Forum will soon BOSTON BALTIMORE CLEVELAND *
be a force in the American colleges.
By sacrificing. their salaries, the execu-
tives have managed to cut the budget to
about $13,000 for the coming year, Of this
amount $3,500 must be ‘raised: before the
middle of May. We have deferred certain
p obligations as long as they can be deferred,
. and certain riinning expenses demand cagh
from week to week.
If each of the members of The National
Student Forum will secure at least one
new member, paying $5.00 a year, we shall
be able to carry on the work without in-
“terruption. Your help to this extent will
mean not only the solution of a‘ pressing
financial problem, but will also give us
Yours sincerely,
Joun Roruscurp.
Fashions Created.
Exoressly for
Younger Women
How can one describe it! That some-
Miss Georgiana G., King, professor of TWILL CORD, SKILL-
; ; FULLY ; : : :
history of Art, lectured at the Philadel- a ae ole thing—that. flaire—which separates the
phia meeting of the College Art Asso- LONG, NARROW Banionhitn bi th 1
ciation on April 15. Her subject, apro- STRAPS TO GIVE : Om ¢_commornp aCe...
pos of a relief of St. James on horse- cote ee FHAT :
back, on the Pilgrim Road in North APERING EFFECT. 6 ay a ae ;
“Tisly, wren. “The Rider onthe White| - (| MODEES TO CHOOSE Yet it is very evident at the Blum Store
and especially in those styles designed
expressely to meet the exacting require-
“ments of college activities. ;
Horse.” She explained how this motif
. appears in the first century A.D. as 45 00
: 7 : ‘
Horus in the mysteries of. Isis afid
Osirus, then in Spain as St. James, and
finally reappears in west. France carved
on cathedral fronts in those regions’ ‘ bn
where. ollarima. came: feom. Spain: and In perfect taste—most certainly. Mod-
where Arthur of Britain rode as a wild] ( erate in price—invariably. .
huntsman in folklore. 133 SOUTH 13TH ST. +. |
A Horseback and Camping Trip in the Rocky Mountains of Wyoming and Yellowstone National
~Park. On the go “all the time through the most beautiful, interesting and picturesque wild. country of
America. Seven weeks of Solid Fun—no irksome duties. The ideai Summer for Girls and Young Women.
~ You see Ranch Life, Horses, Cattle, Cowboys, and Irrigation in the Buffalo Bill Country.
The Canyons, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Waterfalls, Geysers, Boiling-Springs, a Beds, Petrified
Forests, and Glaciers of Yellowstone Park. ;
The Big Game of the a Elk, ree Antelope, nant Wolves, Coyotes, Moose, Beaver,
_afid Big Horn Sheep. oe!
Andthe Big Wild West Stanipede at Cody, ecine:
aaa by a group of select women ‘from the faculties of Eastern Colleges and Girls’ Schools.
For Booklet Address . e
ace peneey Fame, Pelham Manor, New York Pembroke West, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. .
* Bryn uae women may make ‘reservations ane Miss Smith
Page 5