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Dearest Minnie, I intended to have sent you a letter by this mail, but have been fighting off a bad headache all day, so that I can only send a token of my sentiments. I do hope you are getting stronger every day and are getting good news about the Bryn Mawr meeting to help in making you better. By the way, wonG��t you mail me two programs, as Mr. [Greenough?] who is staying here for a day or two, asked me for the only copy I had brought with me. I am finding Jennie and her babies very resting. The sun is falling fast now. I wonder whether it is with you. Are you ready yet for that old whiskey. Please send me a few lines, wonG��t you? Lovingly yours, Mary E.G.
Letter from Mary Elizabeth Garrett to M. Carey Thomas, April 11, 1885
Mary Garrett sends a brief note to M. Carey Thomas, apologizing for not being able to write a longer letter, as her headaches have prevented her from doing. She hopes that Thomas is getting good news regarding Bryn Mawr (although it is unclear whether she is referencing the College or the School). She also asks Thomas to send two programs, as she has given her only copy away.
Garrett, Mary Elizabeth, 1854-1915 (author)
Thomas, M. Carey (Martha Carey), 1857-1935 (addressee)
5 pages
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North and Central America--United States--Maryland--Baltimore Independent City--Baltimore
M. Carey Thomas Papers, 1853-1935 --
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Letter from Mary Elizabeth Garrett to M. Carey Thomas, April 11, 1885
Mary Garrett sends a brief note to M. Carey Thomas, apologizing for not being able to write a longer letter, as her headaches have prevented her from doing. She hopes that Thomas is getting good news regarding Bryn Mawr (although it is unclear whether she is referencing the College or the School). She also asks Thomas to send two programs, as she has given her only copy away.
Garrett, Mary Elizabeth, 1854-1915 (author)
Thomas, M. Carey (Martha Carey), 1857-1935 (addressee)
5 pages
reformatted digital
North and Central America--United States--Maryland--Baltimore Independent City--Baltimore
M. Carey Thomas Papers, 1853-1935 --