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Letter from Dorothy Foster to her mother, December 19, 1902
In this letter Dorothy tells her mother of her visit to the Dean to ask for permission to be irregular at classes because of her exhaustion, which was granted. Dorothy felt it was not a good time to discuss scholarship but promises to return to the question after Christmas break.
Foster, Dorothy, 1883-1968 (author)
Foster, Genevieve Stimpson (addressee)
5 pages
reformatted digital
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
North and Central America--United States--Massachusetts--Middlesex--Newton
BMC-12H-Foster-1904, Box 1, Folder 2, Letter 8
Dorothy Foster papers, 1902-1904 --
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Letter from Dorothy Foster to her mother, December 19, 1902
In this letter Dorothy tells her mother of her visit to the Dean to ask for permission to be irregular at classes because of her exhaustion, which was granted. Dorothy felt it was not a good time to discuss scholarship but promises to return to the question after Christmas break.
Foster, Dorothy, 1883-1968 (author)
Foster, Genevieve Stimpson (addressee)
5 pages
reformatted digital
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
North and Central America--United States--Massachusetts--Middlesex--Newton
BMC-12H-Foster-1904, Box 1, Folder 2, Letter 8
Dorothy Foster papers, 1902-1904 --