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Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, June 21, 1883
This letter spans a period of time from June 6, 1883, to July 9, 1883. M. Carey Thomas writes to Mary Garrett, who is currently in London, from Rouen and the Channel Islands. Thomas writes of her current health issues, which she says have prevented her from writing sooner, and also from being able to enjoy her travels. She expresses sympathy for Garrett's own health issues. She includes descriptions of the locations she has visited during the time she was writing this letter, including Normandy and the Channel Islands.
Thomas, M. Carey (Martha Carey), 1857-1935 (author)
Garrett, Mary Elizabeth, 1854-1915 (addressee)
13 pages
reformatted digital
Europe--England--Greater London--London
M. Carey Thomas Papers, 1853-1935 --
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Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, June 21, 1883
This letter spans a period of time from June 6, 1883, to July 9, 1883. M. Carey Thomas writes to Mary Garrett, who is currently in London, from Rouen and the Channel Islands. Thomas writes of her current health issues, which she says have prevented her from writing sooner, and also from being able to enjoy her travels. She expresses sympathy for Garrett's own health issues. She includes descriptions of the locations she has visited during the time she was writing this letter, including Normandy and the Channel Islands.
Thomas, M. Carey (Martha Carey), 1857-1935 (author)
Garrett, Mary Elizabeth, 1854-1915 (addressee)
13 pages
reformatted digital
Europe--England--Greater London--London
M. Carey Thomas Papers, 1853-1935 --