Haverford College Mock Trial Collection


Haverford Mock Trial was founded in 2014. Since then they have competed around the country, including at Nationals in 2018. They work in teams of 6-10 people acting as witnesses or attorneys to create and present a legal argument. In competitions, they face off against another school in front of a judge. Mock trial is for anyone interested in debate, law, acting, public speaking, speech writing, or anyone looking for a strong and passionate community. They welcome all experience levels and compete all around the country, including California, Nevada, Florida, Kansas, and much of the East Coast.

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9 items [showing 1 - 9]
Racial Justice Post
Haverford Mock Trial Interest Meeting Information
Black Squirrel Invitational Judging Request
HC Lawyers Network Newsletter Mock Trial piece 2017
2020-2021 Case Guide: How to Prepare & Read the Case
2019-2020 Haverford Mock Trial Schedule
Resolution 12- Commitment to inclusivity and protection
Mock Trial Interest Poster 2017
Black Squirrel Invitational Information Sheet 2019