Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections


Quaker & Special Collections contains Haverford College’s rare books, manuscripts, and the college archives. We seek to collect, preserve, and make available materials which serve the research and teaching needs of the Haverford community as well as the wider scholarly community.


Lutnick Library 

370 Lancaster Avenue

Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041

Browsing as Anonymous (not verified)
22699 items [showing 1 - 20]


1893 July 20, Awbury, to My Dear Wife, Conanicut
To the Friends composing the monthly meetings of Cherry Street and Green Street, in Philadelphia
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor treasurer's book
1875 September 19, Zermattt, to Lond(?)
Samuel Lightfoot's agreement with owners of horses, March 1, 1759
M. Yarnall letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
Statement of Partial Loss from Henry and Alfred Cope, 1857 July 20
1882 September 2, Newport, to My very dear husband, Awbury
Isaac Collins letter to Rebecca Collins
Incomplete diary of Thomas Pim Cope, 1800 August 31 to September 27
1900 August 1, Philadelphia, to Dear Rachel
1882 September 4, Newport, to My very dear husband, Awbury
William Smedley letter to Edward G. Smedley and William P. Smedley
1887 September 12, Philadelphia, to My dear Rachel
Israel Pemberton's letter to General Stanwix, August 6, 1759
Hannah Jackson letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
1887 July 23, Philadelphia, to Dearest Rachel
1897 September 11, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
Letter from Anne T. Evans and Joseph M. Evans to Anna R. Evans, 1961 August 14
