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527 items [showing 1 - 20]


1904 September 1, North East Harbor, to Dear Rachel
Letter from Helen Calder Robertson to her family,     February 27, 1916
Suffragist portraits
Mary Worthington diary, 1909-1910
Letter from Mary Elizabeth Garrett to M. Carey Thomas, February 22, 1894
Letter from Helen Calder Robertson to her family,     January 10, 1915
Notes from the Bryn Mawr College Equal Suffrage League     chapter, 1910
Letter from Mary Elizabeth Garrett to M. Carey Thomas, July 24, 1892
Governor of Maine Signing Suffrage Bill
Mary Worthington diary, 1908-1909
Suffragists in Alabama
Letter from Mary A. Hunter to Carrie Chapman Catt, August 12, 1945
Letter from Helen Calder Robertson to her family,     February 21, 1915
Letter from Nathalie Gookin to her mother, November 01,     1916
Letter from Marie Litzinger to her parents, November 25, 1917
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Coffin Wright
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Coffin Wright
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Coffin Wright
Speech from a Suffrage League meeting.
Letter from Mary Elizabeth Garrett to M. Carey Thomas, February 05, 1894
