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32064 items [showing 81 - 100]


1843 August 17, Philadelphia, to Dear Mother
Letter from Jean Scobie Davis to her father, April 27,     1915
1896 September 16, Lake Placid, to My very dear Mother
College news, October 10, 1917
1891 June 22, Woodbourne, to My Dear Wife
1906 February 14, Hotel Suisse, Via Veneto, Rome, to Dear Cousin Anna
1893 October 28, Woodbourne, to My Dear Wife
Isaac Collins letter to Rebecca Collins
Financial record of Thomas P. Cope, 1835 July 11
College news, October 23, 1940
College news, January 9, 1919
Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting Minutes, 1754 [extracts]
1841 April 30, Woodbourne, to my dear Brother, [Philadelphia]
1836 October 20, Hav. College, to Mother, Philadelphia
1893 October 29, Woodbourne, to dear Carrie
Julia Wilbur "Centennial" diary, 1876
1889 March 4, Asheville, to Grandpa & Grandma
College news, January 10, 1917
