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The Swarthmore College Student Publications collection features publications printed by students and student groups from 1887 until 2013. It primarily comprises literary journals, though it also includes academic journals, newsletters and bulletins, art and photography publications, satire and parodies, musical scores and ephemera. Titles range from perfect-bound volumes published continuously for decades to hand lettered ephemera that never persisted past the first issue. In addition to documenting events in the history of the college, the collection traces the diversity, aesthetic affinities and political engagements of Swarthmore's students since the college's founding.

766 items

Cover of some student publication, featuring a cartoon Dr. Seuss-esque bird with a white burst on a red background

The Journal, a Quaker periodical, was established in 1873 in Philadelphia by Joseph Gibbons (1818-1883) who had trained as a physician. He was assisted and then suceeded in this endeavor by his daughter, Marianna Gibbons. In 1885 The Journal merged with Friends Intelligencer, the major Hicksite Quaker weekly.

203 items

The front page of The Journal Vol. III No. 28

Unlike most communities its size, the Swarthmore has boasted a number of newspapers covering both College and Borough news. The Swarthmore Phoenix, published on campus, was bugun in December of 1881. The first community paper was the Swarthmore, published by the indefatigable John A. Cass. In 1929, the Swarthmorean appeared and continues as a weekly publication. Other newspapers such as the Borough, the Independent, and a 1905-1906 College Press periodical called the Swarthmorean were short-lived.

Surviving issues of the Swarthmorean and the Swarthmore News have been microfilmed. Digitization of the of this collection was funded by the Swarthmore Historical Society.

528 items

The front page of The Swarthmorean Vol. 1 No. 4

The Trumans and Underhills were prominent Philadelphia-area Quaker families with close ties to Swarthmore College and active in social concerns. The collection includes six albums and other miscellaneous photographs and silhouettes.

840 items

Portrait of three women wearing nice clothes and hats, one of whom is sitting

Although the earliest records have been lost, Westbury Monthly Meeting may have been established as early as 1682. In 1828 it divided into Orthodox and Hicksite branches. The Orthodox branch was laid down in 1938; the Hicksite branch continues to the present day.

3 items

Westbury Monthly Meeting Records

William I. Hull's unfinished A History of Swarthmore College (ca. 1934) is an invaluable resource for historians interested in the early history of Swarthmore College. The two draft volumes are in typescript with handwritten annotations and include Origin & Founding, 1850-1869 (I) and The First Generation, 1869-1902 (II).

2 items

Close up of the title page to William Hull's unfinished A History of Swarthmore College


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