Quaker Relief in Europe, 1914-1922

English and American Quakers were engaged in relief and reconstruction work in Europe during and following World War I involving civilians in Russia, Serbia, Austria, and Poland. In 1919 Friends extended their efforts to include a program of child-feeding in Germany. This collection of almost 1000 glass lantern slides assembled by the AFSC shows the damage caused by war, rebuilding efforts, hospitals and orphanages, and other projects.

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501 items [showing 21 - 40]


Waterworks at Ornans for our shop.
Workshop at Ornans.
Workbench in shop at Dole
Two roomed Hut near Sermaize. Carave of Germany.
Typical fields overgrown with thistles. Field on left of alfalfa which has protected field from weeds. / Typical fields overgrown with thistles. Field on left of alfalfa which protects land.
Hut among ruins in Marne Village
Sermaize. Reaper and Binder in front of 3 roomed hut
Red Cross Truck (Chateau Hachette)
Plants and seeds for distribution in the village
Chicken raising.'''' French peasant to help.
Brabourt en-Argonne.
Building school houses at Montblainville
Jubecourt. cohort tractor. Darling team
Ruins of Church - mission huts near-by.
Workshop at Dole
Salvaging tiles from a ruined roof.
Partly ruined house at Verdun - The kind we repair
Brizeaux Hospital
