Quaker Relief in Europe, 1914-1922

English and American Quakers were engaged in relief and reconstruction work in Europe during and following World War I involving civilians in Russia, Serbia, Austria, and Poland. In 1919 Friends extended their efforts to include a program of child-feeding in Germany. This collection of almost 1000 glass lantern slides assembled by the AFSC shows the damage caused by war, rebuilding efforts, hospitals and orphanages, and other projects.

Browsing as Anonymous (not verified)
501 items [showing 1 - 20]


Instructions Sent by the AFSC to Presenters
Yard of Equipe [illegible]
A former convent which is used by the Friends Equipe.
Malabry - Stages in house-building
Reaping with oxen.
Open graves at Ham.
Warehouse. London
Dr. Babbitt at Bettancourt.
Rheims Cathedral. Joan of Arc Statue
Ornans. vue-generale
girls' hut at Sermaize.
Headquarters at Golaucourt
Workers camp in own huts. Dole.
A Donkey Cart
[Map of France]
Montfaucon as Mission Found it 1919
The group who erected 72 huts at Neuvilly
Rabbit Hutches. / Miss Middlemore with wagon load of rabbit hutches.
