Friends Hospital Collection


This collection includes selections from Friends Hospital records, including annual reports and superintendents’ daybooks. Friends Hospital was founded by Philadelphia-area Quakers in 1813 under the name ‘The Asylum for Persons Deprived of the Use of Their Reason.’ Their mission statement was: “To provide for the suitable accommodation of persons who are or may be deprived of the use of their reason and the maintenance of an asylum for their reception, which is intended to furnish, besides requisite medical aid, such tender, sympathetic attention as may soothe their agitated minds, and under the Divine Blessing, facilitate their recovery.” In 1817, the hospital accepted its first patients. Friends Asylum was the first private psychiatric hospital in the United States, and one of the first mental hospitals to use moral treatment, which eschewed corporal punishment for the patients and advocated treating them with respect and compassion.

Browsing as Anonymous (not verified)
20 items [showing 1 - 20]
Superintendent's Daybook, volume 1, 1817-1820
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1820
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1825
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1827
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1831
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1823
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1826
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1829
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1822
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1835
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1821
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1833
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1834
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1828
Superintendent's Daybook, volume 2, 1820-1824
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1832
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1818
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1824
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1819
Friends Hospital Annual Report, 1830