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14 items [showing 1 - 14]
1897 July 8, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1899 January 30, Awbury, to My beloved sister
1899 May 10, Hot Springs, to My darling wife
1899 January 26, Awbury, to Dearest Lilly
1863 July 4, [to Sarah Walker]
1885 August 21, Philadelphia, to My darling wife
1900 August 5, Awbury, to Dear Rachel
1899 October 21, Awbury, to Dearest Wife
Martha Schofield letter to Samuel S. Ash; Martha Schofield letter to Sarah J. Ash
Martha Schofield letter to Sarah J. Ash
Martha Schofield letter to Mary Ash Jenkins
Martha Schofield letter to Sarah J. Ash and Samuel S. Ash
Graceanna Lewis letter to Henry Moore Fussell
J. Wilford Allen letter to Anna M. Jackson