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564 items [showing 1 - 20]


Kennett Quarterly Meeting of Progressive Friends, Minutes
Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends, 1853-1873
Lucretia Mott sermon
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Mott Lord, Anna Coffin Temple Brown, and Martha Coffin Wright
Proceedings of the Yearly Meeting of Congregational Friends, 1849-1861
Belva Lockwood letter to Jane Addams
Het Toppunt Der Beschaving, Zesde Serie [booklet]
Het Toppunt Der Beschaving, Vijfde Serie
War (as viewed by LIFE magazine) [booklet]
For Peace and Right.
Ways of Peace.
Le Chant de la Paix.
Het Toppunt Der Beschaving, Derde Serie, Vierde Druk
World Peace Song.
No More War.
Harbinger of Peace.
