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15 items [showing 1 - 15]
1872?, Lake Mohonk, to Father & Mother
1846 June 28, Geneva N.Y., to Dear Mother, Philadelphia
1875 June 26, Richfield Springs, to Alfred
1881 June 20, Richfield Springs, to Mother
1873 June 10, Overlook, to My dear family severally and collectively
1863 September 5, Rutland, to Mary
1873 June 8, Cozzens West Point Hotel, to mother
1867 July 19, Laurel House, to Mama
1873 June 10, Overlook, to brother
1846 July 11, Lake George, to Dear Father, Philadelphia
1900 July 8, Bay Voyage Hotel Jamestown, Conancut, Rhode Island, to My dear Clementine, Minnewaska, New York
1888 August 8, Wildmere, to My dear Clementine
1863 August 23, West Point, to Mother
1863 September 4, Lake George, to Mother
1867 July 21, Catskill, to Mother