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42 items [showing 1 - 20]


1882 September 2, Newport, to My very dear husband, Awbury
1887 October 5, Philadelphia, to My dearest wife
1887 July 16, Philadelphia, to My own dear wife
Letter from Dorothy Foster to her mother, November 9, 1903
1828 May 3, List of clothes, books & other articles packed in two leather trunks &c, for Montrose, 5 Mo. 3. 1828
1907 January 9, Awbury, to My dear Sisters
Letter from Dorothy Foster to her mother, November 1, 1903
1906 March 18, New Orleans, to My dear Caroline, Rome
1887 June 29, Philadelphia, to My dear Rachel
1877 June 24, Philadelphia, to my dearly beloved ones
1860 October 7, Woodbourne, to My Dear Niece
Letter from Dorothy Foster to her mother, October 11, 1903
1880 January 5, Cannes, Provence, to My dear Aunt Caroline
1899 October 06, Awbury, to "Of woman kind..."
1865 March?, 190 Calvert st., to Mother & sisters
1888 October 10, Philadelphia, to My dearest wife
1899 October 9, Awbury, to Well! dearie
1874 January 11, Connymeade, to My dear Cousin Sarah
1908 September 29, N.E. Harbor, to My dearest husband
1892 July 25, Philadelphia, to Dear Anna
