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17 items [showing 1 - 17]
Samoens (Bellevue) locations for T.B. women and children
Children's Ward. Brizeaux Hospital. / childrens ward Brizeaux hospital.
Edith Pye at Chalons.
Mens ward Brizeaux / Men's Ward Brizeaux
Dr. Babbitt at Sermaize
Children's ward Chateau hospital
Tubercular children at Bettancourt.
Operating Room. Chateau Hospital. / Operation room at Chateau Hospital Sermaize.
Women's ward Chateau hospital / Womens ward at Chateau Hospital. Sermaize.
Typical mission huts - Clinic - Dole.
Childs welfare exhibit of Red cross.
Mission Huts. Dole.
[Hospital Ward]
Tuberculosis huts near Chateau Hochette
...dispensary, Vitry-le-Francois. Dr. Heard
Convalescents at Brizeaux. hospital.
Teaching French mothers how to bath a baby.