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11 items [showing 1 - 11]
Hannah Jackson letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
1906 February 14, Hotel Suisse, Via Veneto, Rome, to Dear Cousin Anna
Letter from Susan FitzGerald to her father, January 24, 1929
1877 January 21, to Cousin Anna, Germantown
1820 November 6, [to Eleanor Cope Tyson], Trenton Boarding School
Letter from Susan FitzGerald to her mother, January 15, 1929
1813 September 13, East Marlborough, to William D Cope, Philadelphia
1832 January 13, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia (Pa.)
Mary H. Child and Eliza H. Schofield letters to Martha Schofield
Lucretia Mott and Marianna Pelham Mott letter to Martha Coffin Wright
1843 October 8, Woodbourne, to my dear Father, Philadelphia