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24 items [showing 1 - 20]


1884 September 28, Awbury, to my dear Frankie
1905 March 26, Awbury, to Mother
1867 August 17, Newport, to Father, London
William Kite letter to Aaron Sharpless
1869 July 31, Hopatcong, to Dear Wife, Philadelphia
1899 October 18, Awbury, to My dear wife
1880 August 9, Chateau d'Oex, to My dear Aunt Caroline
1850 April 8, Washington, to My dear Cousin
1882 July 2, Newport, to My dear gentleman, Awbury
1891 July 4, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1884 August 14, Magnolia, to Lillie
1882 August 24, Newport, to My dearest husband
1893 November 1, Woodbourne, to My Dear Wife
1901 January 19, to Father & Mother
Children playing a game with a cockroach
Children catching a butterfly
Man of Ross's House (Edward Wall Roos)
L'Exercise Du Cerceau (Ch. Neuhaus)
Perles du Japon (Potage recherché)
