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Denbigh Hall after the fire of 1902
Interior of Denbigh Hall after the fire of 1902
1830 August 23, Woodbourne, to Brother, Philadelphia
1911 November 14, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
1885 July 23, Awbury, to My dearest wife
Denbigh Hall after the fire of 1902
Denbigh Hall after the fire of 1902
1911 October 24, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
1828 August, Bagley & Hewett's bill of carpenter's & joiner's work 8 mo. 1828
Denbigh Hall after the fire of 1902
1882 August 31, Newport, to My dearly beloved, Awbury
Denbigh Hall after the fire of 1902
1830 September 2, Woodbourne, to Brother, Philadelphia
1887 August 24, Philadelphia, to Well my dearest wife
Denbigh Hall after the fire of 1902
Denbigh Hall after the fire of 1902
Letter from Nathalie Gookin to her mother, January 08,     1920
1884 July 2, Woodbourne, to Anna
1882 September 7, Newport, to My dear Jonathan, Awbury
1887 August 26, Meadow Farm, to brother
