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29 items [showing 1 - 20]


1867 August 4, Newport, to My dear Frank
1846 June 28, Geneva N.Y., to Dear Mother, Philadelphia
1887 August 14, Montrose, to Dear Mother
1908 June 6, Jamestown R.I., to Dear mother
1833 May 14, Philadelphia, Dear Brother, Sunbury (Northumberland) PA
1887 September 9, Newport, to Dear Lillie, Woodbourne
1867 August 12, Newport, to My dear Father, London
1892 August 9, Hendersons Harbor, to Dear Mother, Dimock
1887 August 17, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1908 September 20, Awbury, to My dear Lillie, North East Harbor
1894 July 11, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1875 August 22, Frohburg, to Father
1882 July 18, New York Harbor, to Dear Father
1895 September 5, Northeast Harbor, to My dearest mother
1830 November 5, Philadelphia, to Dear Brother
1905 July 28, North East Harbor, to My dear Lillie
1887 August 8, Philadelphia, to My dearest wife
1897 July 25, Bliss Cottage, to Dear Sister
1860 November, Newport, to Dear Frank
1910 June 16, No 5 Vicars Close, Wells, to My very dear Cousin
