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49 items [showing 1 - 20]


Chemistry tea party
1843 August 17, Philadelphia, to Dear Mother
1893 September 4, Awbury, to My Dear Wife, Conanicut
1887 June 22, Philadelphia, to My own dear wife
1885 August 26, Philadelphia, to My darling wife
1886 February 25, Philadelphia, to My dear mother
1890 July 15, Philadelphia, to Dear Lillie, Woodbourne
1888 August 31, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1876 July 26, Philadelphia, to Dear Anna
Formal picnic
1903 August 2, Awbury, to My Dear Wife, Woodbourne
Letter from Nathalie Gookin to her mother, January 13,     1919
1869 July 31, Hopatcong, to Dear Wife, Philadelphia
Letter from Nathalie Gookin to her mother, February 12,     1919
Letter from Susan FitzGerald to her mother, February 21, 1929
1853 December 20th, Philadelphia, to Dear Clemmy
1892 November 24, 6 Cavendish Crescent, Dear Sister
1897 September 25, Philadelphia, to Dear Wife
1883 September 3, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1893 September 3, Awbury, to My Dear Wife, Conanicut
