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15 items [showing 1 - 15]
1885 August 16, Meadow Farm, to brother
1892 July 3, Awbury, My Dear Wife
1887 June 22, Philadelphia, to My own dear wife
1901 February 28, to Family
1899 October 27, to Mother
1907 September 4, Jamestown, R.I., to My dear mother
1909 January 21, Awbury, to My very dear wife
1901 July 8, Awbury, to Mother
1907 August 6, Jamestown, R.I., to My dear mother
1904 August 14, Jamestown, to Mother
1899 October 22, Awbury, to Mother
1878 October 7, Awbury, to Dear husband
Stokes, White, Loewenstein, Stokes
Stokes, White, Stokes, Loewenstein
1882 August 4, Newport, to Dear papa, Awbury