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320 items [showing 1 - 20]


1887 July 23, Philadelphia, to Dearest Rachel
1904 September 1, North East Harbor, to Dear Rachel
1863 April 8, Aubury, to my family
1867 August 16, Newport, to My dear husband
1867 August 4, Newport, to My dear Frank
1829 August 29, New York, to children
1879 August 31, Montrose, to Mother
1872?, Lake Mohonk, to Father & Mother
1869, to My dear sister Anna & Lily & Chellie
1860 February 23, Woodbourne, [to Dear Brother], Philadelphia
1887 June 22, Philadelphia, to My own dear wife
1868 August 30, Awbury, to My dear Frank
1860 October (?), to dear Nancy
1869 August 29, Cape May, to Rachel, Philadelphia
1887 August 19, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1879 August 20, Montrose, to Mother
1876 July 11, Philada, to Lilly
1876 April 4, Connymead, to Alexis & Lily, Rome
1885 August 26, Philadelphia, to My darling wife
1883 September 6, Woodbourne, to Father
