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13 items [showing 1 - 13]
1843 August 17, Philadelphia, to Dear Mother
1839 March 12, Savannah, to Dear Father, Philadelphia
1835 November 20, Philadelphia, to Dear Franky, Haverford School
1836 February 3, Philadelphia, to Dear nephew, Haverford School
1835 November 20, Haverford, to Dear Sister, Philadelphia
1836 July 12, Haverford College, to Dear Father, Philadelphia
1836 February 26, Haverford, to Dear Uncle, Philadelphia
1835 June 30, Philadelphia, to Dear Franky, Haverford School
1836 February 22, Philadelphia, Haverford School
1836 March 5, Haverford, to Dear Father, Philadelphia
Address of the Managers of the Haverford School
1836 May 23, Haverford, to Dear Mother, Philadelphia
1835 August 29, Haverford, to Dear Father, Philadelphia