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620 items [showing 1 - 20]


Samuel Lightfoot's agreement with owners of horses, March 1, 1759
Israel Pemberton's letter to General Stanwix, August 6, 1759
General Forbes' message to the Shawanese & Delaware Indians, November 9, 1758
Bills and Receipts, April 18, 1760
Governor Denny's letter to Provincial Commissioners, June 19, 1758
Francis Hackett's letter to Israel Pemberton, July 9, 1758
Pemberton's Letter from Charles Read, May 27, 1758
Account of goods delivered to a Delaware Chief, July 9, 1771
Account of the Indians at Easton Treaty, October 1758
Bills and Receipts, March 1, 1759
Israel Pemberton's letter to General Forbes, July 19, 1758
General Forbes' letter to Israel Pemberton, September 9, 1758
Pemberton's Letter from Nathaniel Holland, October 16, 1760
Nathaniel Holland's letter to Israel Pemberton, December 18, 1758
Journal of Frederick Post, June 20, 1758
Bills and Receipts, March 1, 1759
Memoranda of Jeremy Truxley's Conversation with Indians About The Walk, March 1757
Samuel Lightfoot's letter to Israel Pemberton, January 17, 1759
Letter to Israel Pemberton, February 12, 1759
Samuel Lightfoot's letter to Israel Pemberton, February 12, 1759
