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15 items [showing 1 - 15]
Letter from Thomas Garrett, 1861-12-02
Isaac Jackson Journal, 1776
Maps from Carey's General atlas, improved and enlarged [extracts]
Letter to Nicholas Waln, 1784-04-23
A serious expostulation with the members of the House of Representatives of the United States
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Minutes, 1789-09-28 to 1789-10-03 [extracts]
Letter to Robert Pleasants, 1773-04-08
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, Meeting for Sufferings Minutes, 1788- 10-08 [extracts]
Letter to Robert Pleasants, 1792-08-20
Letter to Robert Pleasants, 1774-05-07
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Minute, 1789-10-03  [extracts]
Letter to Anthony Benezet, 1772-08-21
Duck Creek Manumissions, 1774-1792
Free Maryland
Consequences of Slavery