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17 items [showing 1 - 17]
1842 May 25, New Bedford, to Francis Reeve Cope, Philadelphia
1852 November 8, Peace Dale, to My dear cousin Clemmie
Letter to Angelina and Sarah Moore Grimke, 1837-08-14
1836 September 2, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1844 July 12, Franklin, to my dear Susan, Woodbourne
1902 July 27, Jamestown, to Mother
1860 October 7, Woodbourne, to My Dear Niece
1834 July 14, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, [Philadelphia]
1852 February 24, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1841 October 3, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1863 July 4, [to Sarah Walker]
1836 August 11, Newport, to Dear Franky, Haverford School
1832 January 13, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia (Pa.)
1834 July 19, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother
Rebecca White travel journal
Suffragist publicity
National American Woman Suffrage Association portraits