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54 items [showing 1 - 20]


Central Europe conditions notes
Beulah Hurley Waring letter
Polish Report to American Friends Service Committee
"Poland To-Day and To-Morrow" pamphlet
Humanitarian Survey notebook
Harry Stevens article excerpt
Rations for refugees. Holme.
Medical examination at [Veagni?] for Little Mothers. Poland
Little mothers studying child bathing.
Clothing distribution. Holme.
The Unit delousing whole families.
Outdoor playground for Babies.
[Small Dwelling]
Kitchen of Feeding Centre.
Transport in Poland. Holme.
Quarters of the Unit at [Gaurercie?]
Soup kitchen bread. Holme. / White Bread.
Children at lessons. Poland. / 5. Children at lessons, S.oF. Poland.
