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15 items [showing 1 - 15]
1882 September 2, Newport, to My very dear husband, Awbury
1872?, Lake Mohonk, to Father & Mother
1897 August 4, Minnewaska New York, to Dear AC, York Harbor
1872 July 30, Lake Mohonk, to Anna
1886 August 7, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1886 September 13, Awbury, to Dear Lilly, Woodbourne
1877 July 27, Mulfords, to My dear A
1893 October 12, Lake Mohonk Mountain House, to Dear Wife
1877 June 30, Catskill, to My dear Sisters, England
1877 July, Catskill, England
1878 April 1, Florence, to My dear Lilly
1875 July 2, Philadelphia, to Lilly
1872 July 31, Lake Mohonk, to Chelly
1893 October 11, Lake Mohonk Mountain House, to My Dear Wife
1881 September 12, Montrose, to Dear Cousin Anna