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17 items [showing 1 - 17]
1896 July 23, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1875 November 28, Church Lane, to brother
1876 January 8, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
Anne Gershenson, class of 1987
1872 November 27, Awbury, to My Dearest
Letter from Henry Cope to Alexis Thomas Cope, 1873 August 3
Mary Taylor Stone letter to Martha Schofield
Mary Taylor Stone letter to Martha Schofield
Mary Taylor Stone letter to Martha Schofield
Mary Taylor Stone letter to Martha Schofield
Mary Taylor Stone letter to Martha Schofield; Margaret Wynne letter to Mary Taylor Stone
Emily Howland suffrage badges and ribbons
Hmong Wedding, Minneapolis, 1986
Hmong Wedding, Minneapolis, MN, 1986
Hmong Wedding, Minneapolis, 1986
Hmong Wedding, Minneapolis, 1986
Hmong Wedding, Minneapolis, MN, 1986