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21 items [showing 1 - 20]


1876 August 13, Philadelphia, to Dear Anna
1910 July 28, 123 Pall Mall, London W, to Dear Cousin
1901 February 20, Awbury, to My dear cousins
1876 July 26, Philadelphia, to Dear Anna
1876 March 28, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
Poem written by Alfred Cope to his children, 1861 April 19
1880 August 9, Chateau d'Oex, to My dear Aunt Caroline
1876 January 8, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
1909 December 19, Redwood Cottage, Newport, RI, to Dear Cousin
1878 March 20, Florence, to Dear Sister Clem
1878 April 1, Florence, to My dear Lilly
1876 August 20, Awbury, to Dear Anna, Newport
1851 July 26, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1899 January 26, 121 South 19th St, Philadelphia, to My dear Lillie
Letter from Alfred Cope to Alexis Thomas Cope c/o Francis Reeve Cope, 1873 July 29
1910 June 16, No 5 Vicars Close, Wells, to My very dear Cousin
1899 April 15, Marine Villa, Cape May, NJ, to My dear Cousin
1876 March 17, Awbury, to My dear Alexis and Lillie
1850 September 8, to my dear Alfred
1910 January 16, Redwood Cottage, Newport, to My dear Lillie
