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A plea for practical propriety in the use of sound speech that cannot be condemned.
A testimony from Balby Monthly Meeting in the county of York, concerning Thomas Colley, late of Sheffield, deceased
Report to the Monthly Meeting of Kingston, in the case of a complaint of Sarah Southall and Samuel Fossick, against George Harrison, from the Joint Committee appointed thereon .
Clauses respecting the people called Quakers, in an Act of Parliament, entitled, "An Act for amending the laws relating to the militia in England, and for augmenting the militia" [42 Geo.III. Chap.90.]
Yearly Meeting, 1800 : The following Minute from the Meeting for sufferings [7th of 3rd mo. 1800] was read.
Yearly meeting, 1817 : This meeting is of the judgment, that the report brought in from the Meeting for sufferings, joined by representatives from the quarterly meetings, on the subject of the rules for membership and removals, be referred for considerati
Epistle ... 1820, to the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends, in Great Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere London : W. Phillips
Recommended that each monthly meeting take off two books of a sort newly printed .