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137 items [showing 1 - 20]


To the Friends composing the monthly meetings of Cherry Street and Green Street, in Philadelphia
To the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled
Address of the Religious Society called Quakers to the President of the United States
Catalogue of books in Friends' library, Cherry street, below Fifth, Philadelphia
Some considerations on the keeping of Negroes : recommended to the professors of Christianity of every denomination
An epistle from the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held at Burlington the seventeenth, to the twenty first of the Seventh Month, 1726 : To the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings belonging to the same .
Claim for exemption from military duty, under the enrollment and draft of militia ordered by the President of the United States, on the fourth day of August, 1862
At a Special Meeting for sufferings, held Seventh Month 10th, 1885, The following minute of advice was directed to be sent to subordinate meetings
Rules for teachers, &c : adopted by the Committee who have charge of Friends' Boarding School at West-town
The discipline of the Society of Friends
Maps from Carey's General atlas, improved and enlarged [extracts]
The memorial of the representatives of the religious Society of Friends for the states of Pennsylvania, New  Jersey and Delaware, to the Congress of the United States of America
To the children of light in this generation, called of God to be partakers of eternal life in Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, and Light of the World
An epistle of caution to Friends in general relating to the solemn affirmation: from a meeting held in London the second of the First Month 1721-22
To the members of the convention elected to revise the constitution of Pennsylvania
Now in the press and speedily to be published, by Joseph Crukshank, printer, Market-Street, Philadelphia, well bound in one volume (price four Shillings and six Pence): Some account of the life and gospel labours, of William Reckitt, late of Lincolnshire
