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447 items [showing 1 - 20]


Linn Killough Buss scrapbook, circa 1947
Lorraine Mead Schwable scrapbook, circa 1912
Suffragist portraits
House of Industry scrapbook
Unidentified student scrapbook, 1920
Governor of Maine Signing Suffrage Bill
Suffragists in Alabama
Letter from Mary A. Hunter to Carrie Chapman Catt, August 12, 1945
Frances T. Bourne scrapbook, circa 1939
Marian Frost Willard scrapbook, circa 1920
Bertha Szold Levin scrapbook, 1893-1895
Mary A. Livermore, Lucy Stone, and Henry Blackwell
Ruth Emerson Fletcher scrapbook, 1890-1897
Bertha Szold Levin scrapbook, 1891-1893
American Red Cross Military Hospital, No. 1, Ward 246, Neuilly-sur-Seine, 1918-1919
Committee Franco-American for the Protection of Children of the Frontier, 1917-1918
Suffragists in Italy
International suffragists
Scandinavian suffragists
Suffragists in Berlin
