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222 items [showing 1 - 20]


Land grant
Land grant for land in Ouston
Land grant or will from John son of Henri
Search for unpaid taxes in the names of John Tearney, Samuel and Ann Jackson, and Catharine Dredger, 1847 November 10
Lease between Thomas P. Cope, Francis Algernon Evans, Francis Reeve Cope and John Paramore and William Paramore, 1910 June 6
Sale of land from John Blakey to Cyrus Avery, Joel Rogers, and Samuel Yost, 1820 November 8
Indenture from John T. Barr to "McCorkle"
Indenture from George L. Horn and Sarah C. Horn to Francis Reeve Cope, 1887 February 15
Legal document
Record of Searches vs. Catharine Dredger and others, 1847
Indenture from William Forbes to John Teaney, 1795 September 7; certified by Richard L. Lloyd, 1845 September 9
Court Certification by William R. Gillman, 1830 January 22
Copy of Samuel Carpenter's Will, 1730 April 4
Grant of nobility
List of court cases relevant to Cope vs. Grant
