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100 items [showing 1 - 20]


Linn Killough Buss scrapbook, circa 1947
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor centennial book
Newspaper article
Obituary of Alfred Cope and extracts from his diary and letters
Lorraine Mead Schwable scrapbook, circa 1912
Publication in the Weekly Magazine on a Satirical Recipe,1798 March 14
Letter from Mark Antimode to the Editors of the Weekly Magazine, probably 1798
Newspaper article
Article in The Philadelphia Inquirer concerning the Cope House in East Bradford, 1999 March 14
Cope Ships - History Of, 1994 November 15
Article in the Foulke Family Herald, 1992 November
Article in "The Friend" by Francis Algernon Evans, 1912 August 15
Letter from Agricola to Dunlap & Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser, 1791 July 9
Statement from a Newspaper, 1799 June 22
Marion Rawson scrapbook, 1921-1922
Unidentified student scrapbook, 1920
