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8655 items [showing 8,641 - 8,655]


Letter from Edward L. Farr to Rufus Jones 1916 May 3
Letter from Edward L. Farr to Rufus Jones 1916 May 5
Letter from Edward L. Farr to Rufus Jones 1916 May 15
Letter from Edward L. Farr to Rufus Jones 1916 May 24
Letter from Justus Lipsius
Letter from Friedrich Schelling, 1815
Letter from Friederich Förster, September 24, 1829
Legal and financial papers signed by various members of the Langhams
Ecclesiastical text
Breviary excerpt
Religious document
Hymn excerpt
Flower seeds presented by Joseph Thomas
Friends' Central School, Haverford
Botanical garden proposal by Daniel B. Smith in 1834
